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Aeroplane Flying Lessons

We offer aeroplane flying lessons to start your journey with learning to fly. Take advantage of professional flying lessons taught by fully licenced, experienced, and qualified instructors. Lessons are available at a variety of airfields, airports, flight training centres, and flying clubs across the UK, and are among the most affordable you will find. Book your spot using our live calendar our purchase a FlyDays Gift Voucher.

Aeroplane Flying Lessons near me

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Upcoming Aeroplane Flying Lessons

  • Aeroplane Flying Lessons Pick a location and date Choose your lesson All Dates
  • 23rd February Sunday Blackpool Airport North West Booking Info
  • 23rd February Sunday Cumbernauld Airport Scotland Booking Info
  • 23rd February Sunday Gloucestershire Airport South West Booking Info
  • 23rd February Sunday Cranfield Airport East of England Booking Info
  • 24th February Monday Cumbernauld Airport Scotland Booking Info
  • 24th February Monday Cranfield Airport East of England Booking Info
  • 25th February Tuesday Cumbernauld Airport Scotland Booking Info
  • 25th February Tuesday White Waltham Airfield South East Booking Info
  • 25th February Tuesday Cranfield Airport East of England Booking Info
  • 26th February Wednesday Cumbernauld Airport Scotland Booking Info
  • 26th February Wednesday Cranfield Airport East of England Booking Info
  • 27th February Thursday Cumbernauld Airport Scotland Booking Info
  • 27th February Thursday Cranfield Airport East of England Booking Info
  • 28th February Friday Cumbernauld Airport Scotland Booking Info
  • 28th February Friday Gloucestershire Airport South West Booking Info
  • 28th February Friday Cranfield Airport East of England Booking Info
  • 1st March Saturday Beverley (Linley Hill) Airfield Yorkshire and the Humber Booking Info
  • 1st March Saturday Blackpool Airport North West Booking Info
  • 1st March Saturday Cumbernauld Airport Scotland Booking Info
  • 1st March Saturday Gloucestershire Airport South West Booking Info

Aeroplane Flying Lessons Near Me

Flying lessons are similar to driving lessons (forgetting the plane) - as such you need at least 45 hours of flight before you can attempt to get your Private Pilot's Licence (PPL).

We offer a variety of 'Taster' packages in 30 and 60 minute increments. These are a great way to get a taste of flying and see if it's for you before committing to obtaining a licence (which is required to be a professional pilot). You can also enjoy a one-time flight experience just for fun or even as a passenger. In any case, it's a fantastic day out. Now, you can even check our live Aeroplane Flying Lessons Calendar to book your seat at a variety of locations around the UK.

How To Become A Pilot

Flying lessons and pilot training are provided by fully qualified and licenced flight instructors from approved training organisations such as the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority), who will be on hand to ensure your safety is a top priority at all times so you can focus on having the most fun possible.

Flying lessons offer a unique opportunity to delve into the fascinating mechanics of flight. You'll learn firsthand How Planes Take Off, understanding the principles of lift and thrust that enable these incredible machines to rise gracefully into the sky. Your instructor will guide you through the controls, demonstrating how to steer the aircraft, climb to new altitudes, and make smooth landings. This hands-on experience provides invaluable insight into the science and skill behind aviation, making your time in the cockpit both educational and exhilarating.

Thanks to their years of experience, they will be able to provide anyone who is fortunate enough to receive one of our gift vouchers the opportunity to cross something off their bucket list or realise their dream of becoming a fully licenced pilot with extensive and priceless aviation knowledge.

With FlyDays, get started now on the path to earning your private pilot's licence or just getting some quality time in the air.

Important: We urge you to carefully review the itinerary for the vouchers you are looking at because some packages are not considered lessons and you will simply be a passenger touring rather than taking the wheel.

What Flying Lessons are Available?

We provide a wide range of training programmes and flying lessons. These range from quick 15-minute taster sessions to longer, more difficult 30-minute classes.

There are also our 60 Minute Flying Lessons to try out if you wanted to spend a bit more time in the air during a session. Additionally, we provide training where flying time can be applied toward getting your private pilot's licence. These lessons will take place with professional instructions in flying clubs or airfields across the UK that have a huge amount of experience in getting people comfortable in the skies.

Find Flight Training Near Me

In the UK, we provide the broadest range of flying schools, training facilities, airfields, and aerodromes available. A flying school is therefore closer to you than you would imagine, whether you're up in Scotland at Cumbernauld Airport or down in Cornwall at Bodmin Airfield.

The scale of our venues varies, ranging from family owned companies or independently owned aero clubs to bigger commercial airports and flight schools. The majority of locations have access to a runway, whether it be grass or asphalt, and some additionally have other amenities such as hangars, maintenance areas, and refuelling stations.

Many of the airfields we mention on our website provide a variety of flying classes in addition to experiences like vintage flying, microlighting, and gliding. Visit our dedicated Airfields page to learn more about what each venue has to offer.

Booking a Flying Lesson with FlyDays

Look no further than if you want to schedule a lesson for yourself, get started on the PPL course, or simply give a loved one or friend a once-in-a-lifetime gift.

You can browse through our lessons on this page to get an idea for what we offer, and when you're ready to book you can check our live aeroplane lesson calendar to view availability and book you space. It really is that easy!

Or, you can always buy one of our open Gift Vouchers if you're buying a gift but are unsure of the recipient's preference for a lesson. The receiver can then easily schedule the session they want for whenever they want to go, giving them a lot of freedom and, ideally, lifelong memories. If they'd choose, they could even pick a different experience.

Terms and Conditions for Aeroplane Flying Lessons

Once you order a voucher, it will be dispatched by one of our agency partners by e-voucher or by post, depending on which you choose when you checkout.

Vouchers are valid until the expiry date shown on your Voucher (typically 10-12 months).

In most cases, once you activate your voucher you will be sent the instructions to redeem the voucher directly with the airfield or operator. Because flying experiences (other than simulators) can only take place in suitable/ safe weather conditions, you must be prepared to be flexible on your activity date. If the agent or operator cancels your experience date, they will inform you as soon as possible and do their very best to offer an alternative date or location. Once a specific date has been booked, you will automatically become bound by the terms and conditions that the individual operator may have. This does not affect your statutory rights.

Whilst every effort is made to ensure the descriptions contained on our products are a true reflection of the experience, these do not form part of a contract. If on contacting the operator you feel that the activity taking place no longer accurately represents the activity purchased, the relevant agent will exchange the voucher or refund the purchase price.

If you have any more questions about Aeroplane Flying Lessons gift vouchers and experiences please contact us.


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