Helicopter Flying Lessons
With rocketing rotor blades and thrumming engines, there are few aircraft that are quite as exhilarating to learn to fly in as a helicopter. Our selection of Helicopter Flying Lessons are great fun for a day up in the air, but also a great way to get introduced to the excitement of piloting a helicopter, with CAA qualified helicopter instructors offering full guidance and expertise to help you get the most out of learning to fly a chopper - the experience of which counts towards applying for your Helicopter Pilot's Licence. Browse and book from our complete range of Helicopter Lesson experiences below today with FlyDays.co.uk.
Helicopter Flying Lessons near me
Upcoming Helicopter Flying Lessons
- Helicopter Flying Lessons Pick a location and date Choose your lesson All Dates
- 23rd February Sunday Cumbernauld Airport Scotland Booking Info
- 27th February Thursday Leeds Bradford Airport Yorkshire and the Humber Booking Info
- 1st March Saturday Blackbushe Airport South East Booking Info
- 2nd March Sunday Blackbushe Airport South East Booking Info
- 7th March Friday Newcastle International Airport North East Booking Info
- 8th March Saturday Newcastle International Airport North East Booking Info
- 13th March Thursday Cumbernauld Airport Scotland Booking Info
- 13th March Thursday Leeds Bradford Airport Yorkshire and the Humber Booking Info
- 15th March Saturday Manchester City Airport North West Booking Info
- 16th March Sunday Cumbernauld Airport Scotland Booking Info
- 22nd March Saturday Manchester City Airport North West Booking Info
- 4th April Friday Newcastle International Airport North East Booking Info
- 5th April Saturday Newcastle International Airport North East Booking Info
- 11th April Friday Newcastle International Airport North East Booking Info
- 12th April Saturday Kirkbride Airfield North West Booking Info
- 12th April Saturday Leeds Bradford Airport Yorkshire and the Humber Booking Info
- 13th April Sunday Kirkbride Airfield North West Booking Info
- 17th April Thursday Cumbernauld Airport Scotland Booking Info
- 18th April Friday Henstridge Airfield South West Booking Info
- 19th April Saturday Henstridge Airfield South West Booking Info
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Terms and Conditions for Helicopter Flying Lessons
Once you order a voucher, it will be dispatched by one of our agency partners by e-voucher or by post, depending on which you choose when you checkout.
Vouchers are valid until the expiry date shown on your Voucher (typically 10-12 months).
In most cases, once you activate your voucher you will be sent the instructions to redeem the voucher directly with the airfield or operator. Because flying experiences (other than simulators) can only take place in suitable/ safe weather conditions, you must be prepared to be flexible on your activity date. If the agent or operator cancels your experience date, they will inform you as soon as possible and do their very best to offer an alternative date or location. Once a specific date has been booked, you will automatically become bound by the terms and conditions that the individual operator may have. This does not affect your statutory rights.
Whilst every effort is made to ensure the descriptions contained on our products are a true reflection of the experience, these do not form part of a contract. If on contacting the operator you feel that the activity taking place no longer accurately represents the activity purchased, the relevant agent will exchange the voucher or refund the purchase price.
If you have any more questions about Helicopter Flying Lessons gift vouchers and experiences please contact us.